Session Details

Environmental Toxins & Autoimmune Disease

Feb 16 2024

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM EDT

Gibson Suite

There are over 95,000 commercial, industrial, and agricultural chemicals currently registered and available for use in the United States, the majority of which have never been tested in humans for safety or toxicity. Only 5 chemicals have been taken off out the U.S. market since 1976, under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). The food industry alone uses over 3,000 different chemicals and billions of pounds annually of chemicals that have been grandfathered in as ‘safe’, under the Generally Regarded as Safe or GRAS regulations. Water regulations, dating back to the 1970’s are still in effect, regulating just 91 chemicals in over 160,000 water treatment plants across the U.S.. Home furnishings, air quality, cellular technology all have a “story” regarding regulation, testing, risk of harm, and safe use and alternatives.

Heavy metals, and a variety of chemicals, which disrupt the human endocrine system (EDCs), are now considered a world-wide threat to the environment, wildlife, and human populations. In addition to the harmful chemicals intentionally used in a variety of everyday products and materials, the disposal of millions of tons of harmful chemicals, through water systems and incinerated into toxic air pollution, are now known to both directly and indirectly effect human health.

An abundance of evidence now exists, through the World Health Organization, the Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, that many of these chemicals and electromagnetic radiation (EMF) are harmful to human health, especially fetuses, toddlers and teens, who’s brains and bodies are developing at a rapid rate. Rates of asthma, anxiety and depression, heart disease, autoimmune disease, endocrine disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancers have increased world-wide, linked to increased rates of air pollution, poor food quality, drinking water contamination, and personal care products.

Dr. Aly Cohen will discuss evidence-based data on everyday chemicals that we put in, on, and around our bodies and how they contribute to human health conditions, specifically diseases of the immune system. She will discuss dietary approaches to reduce toxicity, clean drinking water, beneficial supplements, indoor & outdoor air quality, sleep hygiene, stress management, and safe use of cellular technology. Dr. Cohen will provide practical tips and resources to enable and empower the audience in ways to limit environmental exposures in order to prevent disease, better manage current conditions, and improve overall well-being!

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss the epidemiology of autoimmune disease.
  2. Apply evidence-based strategies for patient management of autoimmune disorders.
  3. Discuss the plethora of toxics in the human environment.
  4. Discuss cellular mechanisms for a variety of toxics on immune system function.
  5. Explain both conventional and integrative/functional approaches to reducing toxic exposures.
  6. Apply evidence-based strategies for patient management of autoimmune disorders.
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