Complimentary press registration is available to members of the press who are writing articles or producing broadcast coverage about the Integrative Healthcare Symposium.
Members of the press must be employed by an accredited consumer or trade news organization that covers the healthcare industry. Through the registration process, members of the press must provide links to their recent works as well as a website link to the news organization for which they work (i.e.: masthead with your name on it)
We will review your request to attend as a member of the press within 5-7 business days of your submission. If we have any concerns or questions about your application, we will contact you directly. Once approved, you will receive an email confirmation of registration.
*The Symposium will consider accreditation of up to two qualified members of the press of the same media outlet.
No audio recording and video recording of the conference sessions is allowed.
Photographing in the conference sessions or in the Exhibit Hall is not allowed without permission from the Integrative Healthcare Symposium Event Management. Requests to photograph must be done in writing via email by contacting [email protected] and must be approved PRIOR to the event.
*Please note that access to sessions will be prioritized to Conference Pass holders. Press badge holders will be granted access to conference sessions based on room capacity. This is to ensure that practitioners who registered to the conference get a chance to attend the sessions necessary to receive educational credits.